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Do Tulku teachings November 9th -12th

We are glad to announce that Do Tulku Rinpoche will be back in Casa Virupa from Friday, November 10th, to Sunday, the 12th. For those of you who have had the chance to encounter him, you already know that his vast knowledge, kindness, and sense of humor make his teachings deeply enriching and hard to forget.

For those of you who do not know him yet, Do Tulku Rinpoche successfully graduated from Dzongsar Institute, one of the most prestigious Buddhist universities in the world, where he was a student for 10 years. Moreover, he is a direct disciple of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, who gave him the task, starting this past year, to impart teachings in Europe. Those who know both masters assert that Do Tulku is a true and worthy disciple of Dzongsar Khyentse.

This time, we have designed a program where everyone, be it those whose curiosity for Buddhist philosophy has just begun to arise, as well as those who have been engaged for a long time, can find interesting and useful teachings for daily life and practice.

On Thursday, Rinpoche will impart a conference on a very familiar topic for most of us: love and relationships. We will observe, with Rinpoche’s guidance, how this is understood within Buddhism: what have masters said about love? How do our interpersonal relationships change once we start thoroughly observing our mind and emotions?

On Friday, in Casa Virupa, right after having dinner with Rinpoche and the resident community, we will have the chance to engage in a Q&A about the previous day’s teachings. Do Tulku Rinpoche always encourages us to ask him as many questions as we want (he says it is only in that way that we will be able to recognize a master!), so we have decided to offer that possibility: ask him whatever you want.

On Saturday morning we will focus on The Four Immeasurables. This is a very valuable practice within Mahayana Buddhism: love, compassion, happiness, and equanimity. It is strongly recommended for those who want to commit to taking care of others, as well as oneself.

Furthermore, we will have the opportunity to collaborate with Arya Tara, the Dharma center in Germany where Do Tulku Rinpoche resides. In Arya Tara Dharma Center they have organized a Buddhist philosophy course that will be imparted by Rinpoche, and that we will be able to follow in an online format. This course has, as its first referenced text, the 37 Bodhisattva Practices, and will begin in Casa Virupa on Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th. Then, twice a month, Rinpoche will teach the following classes, which can be followed or downloaded online. In Casa Virupa, we propose to get together once a month to follow Rinpoche’s class, and then open a debate about the teaching. You are all invited to follow this course and accompany us in our monthly sessions. To get further information about the entire course, press HERE.

About the 37 Bodhisattva Practices (from “Ediciones Dharma”):

Wouldn’t the world be better if all beings were to be concerned by others rather than themselves? This is the main subject of this incredible series of instructions written by Ngulchu Thogme, a Buddhist hermit from the 14th century. In the Mahayana tradition, the term Bodhisattva refers to those who have the courage to commit to the profound change of attitude that is needed to develop true compassion. Their great resolution - to consider the needs of others as most important, and therefore, to wish enlightenment in order to benefit all beings - allows them to overcome the limits that the illusion of having a self imposes on us. Thus, Bodhisattvas manage to develop a direct understanding of reality, transcending the dual notion of “I” and “others”. This classical text explains how we can work through our mind, beginning wherever we are, in order to get rid of our niggling preoccupations and discover our potential for compassion, love, and wisdom. For centuries, these teachings have inspired generation after generation of Buddhist practitioners, and great masters from all Buddhist traditions have written numerous commentaries about them”.

- Extract from “Ediciones Dharma”, our translation

And then, to round it up, Rinpoche will do the Taking Refuge ritual on Sunday afternoon. It is a precious occasion for those who want to strengthen their links with master, Dharma, and spiritual companions.


Thursday November 9th

Conference: “Love and Relationships according to Buddhism”

Where: Barcelona. Casa del Tíbet, Barcelona

Time: 19.15 h


Friday, November 10th

Open Q&A with Rinpoche

Where: Casa Virupa, Tavertet

Time: 21.30 to 22.30h.


Saturday, November 11th

Teachings on the Four Immeasurables.

Where: Casa Virupa, Tavertet

Time: 10.30 to 13h.


Sunday, November 12th

Teachings on the 37 Bodhisattva Practices

Where: Casa Virupa, Tavertet

Time: 10.30 to 13h.

Taking Refuge Ritual with Rinpoche

Where: Casa Virupa, Tavertet

Time: 16h.

Want to sign up? Write to us HERE.

About Do Tulku Rinpoche

Raktrul Rinpoche (also known as Do Tulku) was born in 1985 in South India. At 17, he was recognized by HH Sakya Trizin as the sixth Raktrul Rinpoche, a tulku (recognized reincarnation) of a Sakya monastery. He began, then, his studies in the Dzongsar Khyentse Chöky Lodro Institute, where he received his training in Buddhist philosophy, practice, and debate. After eleven years of studies, he successfully graduated with the ‘Acharya’ title. He also taught in Dzongsar Institute for a year and guided retreats for monks in Mustang.

In addition, he has received teachings, transmissions and initiations from some of the greatest masters of our times, such as HH the Dalai Lama, HH the Sakya Trizin, Khenchen Kunga Wangchuk, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, Dagchen Rinpoche, Luding Khenchen Rinpoche, and many more. He is a translator for the 84000 project, and is a lay master.

His devotion to his gurus, his way of speaking about the Dharma - thoroughly and in a fresh and uninhibited manner - are profoundly inspiring to us. We feel immensely blessed that he has decided to trust in our young center. We are certain these will be very inspiring days for all of us.

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